Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Roth IRA

I have a Roth IRA that I am doing nothing with. It has only $1164 and it is difficult to get motivated to play with this account.

But this money has done nothing for a long time and it is a good place for me to try out this options strategy. My goal for this account for this year is to make $1469 ($305, 26%). I will play with 2 month out options hoping to make 6% every 2 months compounded bimonthly. I will update this particular post with my trades to show how I am doing. This account is even harder for me to make good returns as the commissions on such small trades take a large % of my profits. But I want to prove this to myself.

2008-04-30 Sold 2 AMD June Puts for $.40I should make $80 provided AMD does not drop below 6, and should not lose money provided AMD does not drop below $5.60
2008-05-16 Bought 2 AMD June Puts for $.07 - I was planning on waiting till these expired in June but they dropped so much so quickly that making .07 ($14, 1%) more for another month did not make sense. So I made $66 - $16(commissions) = $50,4.3% in 2 weeks
2008-05-20 Bought 100 AMD for $7.16 - I was planning on immediately selling the call, but I got greedy hoping the stock would go up, and then it dropped, so now Im stuck holding the stock
2008-06-05 Sold 1 AMD June Call for $.80 (Jul 7) - Hopefully I can make $64 here
2008-07-01 Sold 1 AMD July Put for $.55 (Jul 6) - make $110
2008-07-21 Buy 100 AMD for $6.00 - A result of an assigned Put that I did not want
2008-08-21 Sold 2 AMD Oct Call for .60 - make $120
2009-05-12 Sold 2 AMD June Call for .30 - make $60
2009-09-15 Sold 2 AMD Oct Call for .37 - make $74
2009-11-19 Sold 200 AMD for 6.79 - make $42
2010-02-10 Buy 100 ITMN for 15.60 - lose $310
2010-02-10 Sold 1 ITMN Mar Call for 5.90 - make $590 (actually $280 due to above)
2010-05-22 Exp STEC Call for .43 - make $34
2010-08-23 Exp STEC Call for 1.45 - make $137

Current Value: $2006
; Current Gain: 2.2%; Goal: $1469; Needed: $26

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