Tuesday, July 29, 2008

HANS Pummeling

What a beating! I broke my rules and now paying for them. I bought HANS because they were fetching 9% returns on the month out calls. I got even greedier by holding this stock hoping I could sell the calls higher on any price movement up. Of course the stock tanks and now I am stuck with it. Well, now my strategy is to simply keep selling calls until I can average my loss down to $0 (Provided the stock stays relatively flat or goes up). So heres the breakdown of events:

2008-06-24 Buy HANS @ 32.41
2008-06-26 Sell July $30 Calls .90
2008-07-22 Sell Aug $30 Calls .95
2008-08-18 Sell Sep $30 Calls 2.30

Current break even price: 28.26

Notes: As soon as my break even price drops below 30, I will be selling the $25 calls (unless I get greedy again)!

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