Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Follow your rules!!!!

Its truly amazing how things can change in a week. The market has tanked and we are now in a bear market.

I was clearly given many opportunities this week to get out of many of my positions will a small loss and even some gain. But my fear, greed, and uncertainty caused me to break my rules and give up much of my profits that I had made last year.

I will be putting in very tight stops, and will most probably be stopped out of many 0f my positions with a loss for this year, but its a lesson I must accept. Too many times I have broken my rules and as a result given back quickly what it took me a much longer to make.

It is because I feel like I cannot make mistakes, especially after a good run, and it always takes a good kick in the butt, like this, to get me back on track. But this is an expensive lesson to learn and obviously I have not learned it as I have repeated my mistakes.

So, for this year, I will be trading heavily, but after each executed trade I will enter at least a 5% stop, and I will not add to my position at a lower price than my purchase price (or average purchase price).

I WILL follow for this year, if for no other reason, then to see if it does indeed help me out.

For the way I trade, and my emotions on the market, I feel bad when I leave money on the table. But I feel real bad, when I lose money that I have made.

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