Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ohhhh noooo FFOX, I mean AMD!

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

I made the same mistake on FFOX that I did with AMD. Not researching and waiting. This is because I had cash available on my OSG exit. Now I am stuck as I dont want to sell at a loss.

Perhaps I need these types of trades to keep me in check and remind me of how I need to follow my rules.

Another trade that is setting up is RIG. This is another driller in the oil services group. It is one of the biggest drillers and recently acquired another driller making it the largest by far. The PE of this newly combined company is around 10. Before the acquisition, it was trading at a PE of 16 and the other at a PE of 12. Analysts prediction indicate that it should be trading now around a PE of 12. Also, they are estimating earnings next year of $14. That puts a price target (at PE 12) of 158. Currently it is trading at 126 (dropped 3 dollars today). It has just dropped a lot due to 1.5billion in notes it has offered to banks (that is another great scam the banks have going). If this thing retraces back to 130 I will get in, but I will put in a +3 dollar leading limit to buy (once I am able to get out of AMD). Lets see if it works out as se

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